

Pink Dots Mint Lines von Yoshimi Teh



When dealing with dots and lines, I am always aware of the idea that a line is a dot in motion. Looking at dots, also reminds me that a lot of what i do in my life and work is to connect dots that are seemingly unrelated.

Über Yoshimi Teh

Born in Japan and raised in Malaysia, Yoshimi Teh is a printmaker currently living and working in Honolulu. Yoshimi's primary practice of stone lithography explores traditional and non-traditional methodologies that are innovative and experimental. Much of Yoshimi's work recalls her childhood interest in science, but is also reflective of her experiences with East/West culture. Often playful, yet mindful of tradition, Yoshimi's prints are explorations of perception and conception, intention and un-intention, self and non-self. Yoshimi Teh is a tireless studio devotee whom presently works as a teaching assistant and Printmaking Lab Supervisor at the University of Hawai`i Department of Art and Art History where she received a BA in Art History while focusing in printmaking and studio art.

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