Rugvista Design Competition!

2021 Finalists - Vote and Win

TREES by Hana Kopalova - HANAKO

Czech Republic

Czech Republic

Trees as symbols of peace and security on both sides
Stromy jako symboly klidu a bezpečí z obou stran

About Hana Kopalova - HANAKO

Hana Kopalova was born in 1968 (in Prerov, Czech Republic). Since her childhood she has been drawing or making things. Parents wanted her to be a violin virtuoso. She wanted to be an artist. When she was 12 years old, she exchanged the violin for brushes, paints, pencils and ceramics. She was studying fine arts in Folk School of Art for 9 years. Parallel to her employment she paints and takes photographs in her small studio. She says: "It's never too late to start again when you are passionate about something." Her dream is to work in the field of design, art or advertising. She believes that a carpet should be a work of art because one buys a perfect carpet perhaps only once in a lifetime. Hana is very grateful for the chance from CarpetVista.
Hana Kopalová se narodila v roce 1968 v Přerově. Od malička stále něco kreslila a vyráběla. Rodiče z ní chtěli mít houslovou virtuozku. Ona chtěla být umělkyně. Ve 12 letech vyměnila housle za štětce, barvy, tužky a keramiku. 9 let studovala výtvarný obor v Lidové škole umění. Mimo zaměstnání maluje a fotí ve svém malém studiu. "Nikdy není pozdě začít znovu, když něco miluješ", říká. Její sen je pracovat v oblasti designu, umění nebo reklamy. Věří, že koberec by měl být uměleckým dílem, protože perfektní koberec si člověk koupí 1x za život. Hana je velmi vděčná za šanci od CarpetVista.

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