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Anaglyph - Enoch Liew



Anaglyph 3D is the stereoscopic 3D effect achieved by encoding each eye's image using filters of different colours. It would have been too complex and ineffective to create an anaglyph image on a carpet, consequently the design was inspired by the lenses of 3D spectacles. As lenses of different colour are scattered on the ground, they overlap to form a dynamic and incoherent arrangement.

O Enoch Liew

Enoch Liew is a Chinese Malaysian who graduated from the University of Adelaide with a Masters of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, winning numerous awards for being in the top 1% in the faculty.

Enoch Liew currently works at TCL, the most awarded Landscape Architecture firm in Australia. He also has a passion in most other design fields, hence he is often working on competition submissions on weekends, ranging from rugs, household products, posters and logos. His design interests can be seen on his popular Tumblr page enochliew.tumblr.com

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