Annalisa Riccardo

Annalisa Riccardo was born in Maglie (Lecce) Italy on the 19th of January 1980. As a child, she always had a passion for design, colour and all kind of art, like music, theatre, popular tradition and culture. She obtained 'Master of Art' title in textile weaving in Istituto d’Arte “Nino della Notte” in Poggiardo with specialisation in woven art, hand knotted carpets, serigraphy, printing on fabric, glass and production of typical papier mache of Lecce. In 1998, she obtained a diploma in the same Institute. From 1998 on, she has had various jobs. She is currently involved in graphic advertising and packaging design.

의 기타 디자인 Annalisa Riccardo


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