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2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

Celebration_ II 은 Petar Toskovic



The dot is symbol of the self and beginning. Before anything else can be created, a dot must be made.From darkness they turn into white, the spectrum of all colors. The blue arises from sky and the beginning is celebrated.

에 대해 Petar Toskovic

Petar Toskovic is a Graphic Designer and Illustrator born in Belgrade, ex-YU. He lives in Lisbon, Portugal for two decades. Petar works in design, illustration and motion graphic. Shiatsu Therapy is his passion because he found that communication is better mainly with hands creating and with touching. In this moment he works in screen printing exploring unlimited expressions through various techniques as risograph, lithography and engraving.

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