Rugvista 디자인 대회!

2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

Waves 은 Paula Adelina Sasu



Inspired by the magnificence and splendor of the sea. I used bright and warm colors keeping things clean and simple look.
M-am inspirat din splendoarea si magnifica mare. Am folosit culori luminoase, calde si am dorit sa pastrez un aspect simplu si curat.

에 대해 Paula Adelina Sasu

I am a painter and Carpet Designer having a solid educational foundation for design.I graduated faculty of Visual Arts and also a member of the Union of Artists of Romania.
I possess excellent drawing skills and having more than 7 years vast experience in carpet designing, working for few europeans company. The surce of my works comes from my inspiration around me and love interpreting it in luminous colours.
Sunt pictor si Designer Industrial avand o baza solida educationala in design. Am absolvit facultatea de Arte Vizuale si sunt membru in Uniunea Artistilor Plastici din Romania. Posed abilitati excelente in desenatura si am a peste 7 ani experienta in desenatura covoarelor, lucrand pentru cateva firme in europa.
Sursa lucrarilor mele este inspirata din jurul meu si interpretata in culori luminoase.

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