Johanna Pettersson

My name is Johanna Pettersson. I am a 15 year old girl from Sweden. I have a big passion for design and art. In my spare time I take extra art classes both at school and outside of school. I hope to get into the design and product development program in high school after I finished high school. My dream is to then do further studies in design and architecture. I hope that I will in the future work in some of those areas.
My thoughts behind the design is to create a modern style with a personal message. I am inspired by social issues but also want to create something entirely new for the younger generation. The message I want send out with this carpet is that you should always be yourself and be proud.

Ostali dizajni prema Johanna Pettersson

Proud colors

Ostvarite 15% popusta

Prijavite se sada i ostvarite 15% popusta na svoju sljedeću narudžbu*, tjedne e-poruke s ekskluzivnim pristupom ponudama, najnovijim trendovima i novostima o proizvodima.

Za informacije o tome kako postupamo s vašim podacima, provjerite naša pravila privatnosti. Možete odjavi pretplatu bilo kada. *Popust se može iskoristiti za jednu kupnju tijekom 60 dana nakon prijave na Newsletter. Vrijedi za sve proizvode, uključujući i snižene artikle. Ne može se kombinirati s drugim kodovima za popust.